Base (Starting Races)
Base races are those that can be chosen without needing to be unlocked with account experience (see advanced races below). They are not as powerful as advanced races, but are still very capable.
Gnome | Half Elf | Hill Dwarf | Human | Kagonesti Elf | Kender | Minotaur | Mountain Dwarf | Qualinesti Elf | Silvanesti Elf
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Gnomes are the tinkers and inventors of Krynn. Fast thinking and fast speaking, their minds are forever fixed on cogs, gears, wheels, bells, whistles, and steam-powered engines. Despite the dangers inherent in their work, gnomes (sometimes called "tinker" gnomes) adore technology and continue throughout the ages to pursue and perfect their inventions. Personality: Inventive, skillful, and enthusiastic, gnomes are devoted to making life easier through technology, though their complex inventions usually have the exact opposite effect. Science is a gnome's life, so much so that every gnome chooses a special Life Quest upon reaching adulthood. More important than family ties, the Life Quest defines the gnome. The Life Quest is always related to furthering knowledge or developing technology. The goal is specific and usually out of reach. It is not uncommon for Life Quests to be handed down from one generation to the next multiple times before it is achieved. Successful completion of a Life Quest ensures the gnome, and any forebear working on the same quest, a place in the afterlife with Reorx. Only one gnome was ever able to complete three separate Life Quests in his own lifetime, and he was deemed a mad gnome and cast out of Mount Nevermind for making everyone else look bad. The gnome dedication to knowledge and invention leaves them sadly lacking in the social graces, at least when it concerns other races. Gnomes are always eager to discuss projects and compare notes, and in their hurry to explain what they mean, they often forget to be polite. Gnomes do care for other people's feelings, but they're typically focused on another matter entirely by the time it occurs to them that they were rude. The worse thing in the world (at least in the minds of other races) is a gnome apology. Believing that action speaks louder than words, a gnome making an apology will build an invention specifically for the injured party. All too often, this invention ends

Half Elf
Since the time of Kith-Kanan, when elves first began to interact extensively with human races, elves and humans have fallen in love and married. After the Cataclysm, human bandits and mercenaries raided Qualinesti borders, looting the elven lands, killing elven men and raping elven women. Half-breed children are the result of both unions. Whether born of love or hate, the mixed blood of the half-elves forever brands them as outcasts from both elven and human society. Half-elves inherit the best qualities of both their parents. They have the love of beauty and reverence for nature of the elves and the ambition and drive of humans. Due, perhaps, to the prejudice they face from both societies, half-elves tend to be introverts and loners. Scorned and belittled, some half-elves are insecure and rebellious, lashing out at those who hate them for what they are.

Hill Dwarf
Hill dwarves have left their underground halls to practice their skills in the greater world. Hill dwarves share the traits of their mountain dwarf cousins, but are a bit more accepting of other races and cultures. All hill dwarves are of the Neidar ("Nearest") clan. A longstanding, bitter feud exists between hill dwarves and mountain dwarves, dating back to the Cataclysm. The hill dwarves accuse the mountain dwarves of having shut the doors of Thorbardin on them when the Neidar sought refuge following the Cataclysm. In their defense, the mountain dwarves claim that they had resources enough to feed only their own people and that, if they allowed the hill dwarves into the mountain, they all might have starved.

Humans were among the first races created by the gods. They represent the Neutral portion of the triangle, and thus they were gifted with the freedom to choose their own ethical and moral paths. Due to their short lifespans, humans are viewed by longer-lived races as ambitious and impatient, restless and dissatisfied with their lot in life. Humans live throughout Ansalon, with cultures so diverse that the differences between individual humans are as great as differences between elves and dwarves. A race of extremes, humankind keeps the great pendulum of history constantly swaying between good and evil, law and chaos. Although each human culture differs from every other, a basic distinction can be made between so-called "civilized" human societies and the primitive, nomadic tribes. Both cultures believe their way of life to be superior to the other. City dwellers think of the nomads as ignorant savages, while the tribesfolk look upon city folk as soft and misguided.

Kagonesti Elf
At home in the forests, the Kagonesti, or wild elves, believe every creature and object, from insects and birds to rivers and clouds, possesses a spirit. They honor these spirits and know that, in return, the spirits honor them. The Kagonesti believe that a happy life can only truly be achieved by harmoniously existing with nature. Passionate and proud, they want only to be left to themselves. Due to the expansion of human nations and mistreatment by their own elven cousins, the Kagonesti have been dragged from their forest homes and forced to live in a world they do not like or understand. Unlike their more placid kin, Kagonesti can be hottempered and fierce when driven to extremes.

To the other races, kender are the child-race of Krynn. The diminutive kenderhave short attention spans, intense curiosity, and a fearlessness that servesthem well in battle, but often lands them (and those traveling with them) indanger. Kender live a carefree existence where every new day is a day ofwonderful secrets just waiting to be discovered. Their most defining charactertraits are their insatiable curiosity and their utter fearlessness, which makesfor a frightening combination. All dark caves need exploring, all locked doorsneed opening, and all chests hide something interesting. Young kender aroundthe age of 20 or so are afflicted with " wanderlust", an intense desire todepart their homeland and set out on a journey of discovery. Almost all kenderencountered outside the kender homelands are on wanderlust. Kender aretantalized by the prospect of the new and exciting, and only the most extremecircumstances force them to place their own selfpreservation above thispursuit. Even the threat of imminent demise does not deter kender, for death isthe start of the next truly big adventure. The unquenchable curiosity of kenderdrives them to investigate everything - including other people’s personalpossessions. Kender appropriate absolutely anything that catches their eye.Physical boundaries or notions of privacy are both alien concepts to them,while the monetary value of an object means nothing to them. They are as likelyto be more captivated by the feather of goat-sucker bird as by a sapphire.Kender are never happier than when their hands are in the pockets, pouches, orbackpacks of those around them. Kender do not consider such appropriation to bethievery as others understand it (kender are as contemptuous of thieves as thenext person). Kender term this "handling" or "borrowing" because they firmlyintend to return what they pilfer to the proper owner. It’s just that with somany exciting and wonderful things going on in their lives, they forget to givethings back. Kender are at best bemused and at worst outraged at being accusedof theft or pick-pocketing. Kender always give perfectly reasonableexplanations for just about every accusation leveled at them.

At home both on land and at sea, minotaurs live in an honor-based society where strength determines power in both the gladiatorial arenas and in daily life. Minotaurs believe in the superiority of their race above all others. They believe their destiny is to rule the world. From youth, minotaurs are trained in combat and warfare and instilled with a strict code of honor. The militaristic society of minotaurs gives them a rigid view of the world, clearly delineated in black and white. Minotaurs value strength, cunning, and intelligence. The ultimate test of all three virtues is conducted in the Great Circus, an annual contest held in a gladiatorial arena.

Mountain Dwarf
The dwarves of the mountain kingdoms existed apart from much of Ansalon throughout their history. Since their contact with the outside world often turns out badly, the self-sufficient dwarves are quick to shut their gates and seal off their halls to preserve the way of life that has sustained them since the Age of Dreams. Mountain dwarves come from one of the following clans: Hylar ("Highest"): This is the oldest of the dwarf clans, often considered the most noble. Their halls within the mountain kingdoms are the best appointed and always magnificent. Daewar ("Dearest"): Another highly respected clan, the Daewar produce many important warriors and leaders. They are known for their excellent fighting prowess and often work in conjunction with leaders of the Hylar clan. Klar: The Klar were a clan of hill dwarves who were trapped inside Thorbardin during the Cataclysm and not allowed to leave the mountain kingdom when the dwarven kingdom was sealed from the inside. As a clan, they are known for wild-looking eyes and wiry beards, though in truth their reputation as madmen is largely undeserved. The mountain dwarves subjugated them as suspected Neidar sympathizers during the Dwarfgate War (another unfairly leveled charge) and since that time they have survived as a servitor clan. They are known as fierce combatants and loyal friends. Though their position of servitude may be unjust, many unflaggingly support their Hylar masters.

Qualinesti Elf
Of all the elven nations, the Qualinesti elves have the most interaction with the other races of Krynn. Though some Qualinesti prefer to remain in their forest homes, others can be found exploring the continent as merchants, priests, wizards, and travelers. Because of their relatively long life spans, Qualinesti accept the past without regret and look forward to the future. They patiently pursue their goals and have an optimistic view of life. While they grieve for what has been lost to them through the years, the Qualinesti do not allow themselves to dwell on negative emotions, preferring instead to look forward to the next new day, the next new challenge. The Qualinesti elves take pride in their abilities, tending to look with disdain upon the “crude†work by the obviously inferior races. Although Qualinesti are more tolerant and outgoing than the Silvanesti and relate well with other races, the Qualinesti still consider themselves the chosen of the gods. They are opposed to interracial marriages and, although they may offer sanctuary to half-elves, the half-elves are never fully accepted by the Qualinesti.

Silvanesti Elf
Cool, aloof, and seemingly untouchable, the Silvanestielves represent all that is best and worstin the elven people. Their haunting beauty ismarred by their cold and aloof natures. Theyconsider themselves better than all other peopleon Ansalon, including their own kin, the Qualinestiand Kagonesti. Being proud and arrogant, the Silvanestihave little use for the members of any otherrace, including other elves. Silvanesti are extremelyprejudiced against the cultures of 'inferior' people, and are intolerant of other customsand beliefs. Silvanesti dislike change. Their societyhas endured for more than 3,000 years, andhas changed very little in that time. When changedoes occur, it is usually forced onto them. Slow totrust and quick to blame, very few Silvanesti formlasting friendships with non-Silvanesti.
Advanced Races
Advanced races, are races that can be unlocked during regular game play by spending what we call ‘account experience’. This account experience is gained in multiple ways simply by playing the game. Once an advanced race is unlocked, it is available for every character on your account. Advanced races are more powerful than base races, but the experience required to level up is much higher.

Few creatures are more feared than the lich. The pinnacle of necromantic art, who has chosen to shed his life as a method to cheat death by becoming undead. While many who reach such heights of power stop at nothing to achieve immortality, the idea of becoming a lich is abhorrent to most creatures. The process involves the extraction of ones life-force and its imprisonment in a specially prepared phylactery. One gives up life, but in trapping life he also traps his death, and as long as his phylactery remains intact he can continue on in his research and work without fear of the passage of time. The quest to become a lich is a lengthy one. While construction of the magical phylactery to contain ones soul is a critical component, a prospective lich must also learn the secrets of transferring his soul into the receptacle and of preparing his body for the transformation into undeath, neither of which are simple tasks. Further complicating the ritual is the fact that no two bodies or souls are exactly alike, a ritual that works for one spellcaster might simply kill another or drive him insane. Please note that a Lich has all the advantages/disadvantages of being Undead.

Vampires are one of the most fearsome of the Undead creatures in Krynn. With unnatural strength, agility and cunning, they can easily overpower most other creatures with their physical prowess alone. But the vampire is much more deadly than just his claws and wits. Vampires have a number of supernatural abilities that inspire dread in his foes. Gaining sustenance from the blood of the living, vampires can heal quickly from almost any wound. For the victims of their feeding, they may raise again as vampiric spawn... an undead creature under the vampire's control with many vampiric abilities of their own. They may also call animal minions to aid them in battle, from wolves, to swarms of rats and vampire bats as well. They can dominate intelligent foes with a simple gaze, and they may drain the energy of living beings with an unarmed attack. They can also assume the form of a wolf or a giant bat, as well as assume a gasoeus form at will, and have the ability to scale sheer surfaces as easily as a spider may. But a vampire is not without its weaknesses. Exposed to sunlight, they will quickly be reduced to ash, and moving water is worse, able to kill a vampire submerged in running water in less than a minute. Being a vampire is a state most would consider a curse, however there are legends of those who sought out the 'gift' of vampirism, with some few who actually obtained it. To this day however, such secrets have been lost to the ages. However these are the days of great heroes and villains, and such days often bring to light secrets of the past. Perhaps one day soon the legends may become reality. Please note that a Vampire has all the advantages/disadvantages of being Undead.