Chronicles of Krynn MUD

By Ellyanor originally posted at

This is all from experimenting in game Please take this as my experience and not absolute mechanics or confirmed how to craft or how craft system will be eventually This is how it is now and may be subject to change

Topics covered

The craft command I believe will be phased out or will be used for EPIC CRAFTING
What you want to focus on is prac command
type prac will show skill levels in the following
weapon smithing
leather working
armor smithing
jewelry making
fast crafter
The following exist in game but do not show yet in prac There may be more as well Some have help files some do not
elven crafting all eq made is 50 percent weight and uses 50 percent less mat
dwarven crafting all weapons and armor made have higher bonuses
draconic crafting all magical items created gain higher bonuses wo increasing level
bone crafting
masterwork crafting
I believe everyone has access to these skills regardless of race or class Dont know if any race or class has any inherent bonus though
So how does one get started
When you first started the game you should have a crafting kit in your inventory or backpack
This crafting kit gives you access to creating items for your use
You can do four things with the kit
1 Supplyorders
2 disenchant magic items
3 augment magic essences
4 create items plain magic bonuses or magicbonuses combo
I do not think Converting materials works yet

Some crystals that you find as treasure quest or random drop are CRAFTING crystals Loreidentify them It will indicate if they are can be used in crafting The crystals may have no benefits nice benefits or WAY nice benefits Some crystals have 4stat some have feats attached to them some have both some hav
Keep these crystals or auctionbarter them to someone who might need Or hire a crafter and ask them to make you something with that crystal if they can More on crystals in CREATE

In game help material a good idea of what is available
Resource nodes are spread throughout the land I do not believe I have seen any in Wilderness big outside map Otherwise anywhere where natural resources might occur Not cities but perhaps travel roads junkyards forests farms plains caves swamps rustic villages etc
command usage harvest resource
From ore you will mine metals and gemstone
From cloth you will knit cloth and sometimes fossilized eggs more on eggs in CREATING
From game you will hunt leather and sometimes fossilized eggs
From wood you will forest logs
The ability to harvest a resource depends on your relevant skill level for that resource For example starting out you will only be able to harvest simple cloth eventually you will be able to harvest quality cloth if your KNITTING skill raises high enough Same with the other resources Just try harvesting everything It will let you know what level you need
So wait I have to harvest tons and tons of these things What do I do with all the resources
1 Sazzy in Sanctus will take iron bars and give you a voucher for nails This is to start your house help house
2 Sazzy will also take logs and give you a receipt for wood This is for your house
nail vouchers and wood receipts are zero weight So is the planning folder permits and deed that Sazzy sells a typical log weighs 6 vs a receipt weighing 0
3 Use the resources for a SUPPLYORDER
4 Use the resources to CREATE an item
5 Sellbarter the resources to someone who might want them know someone planning for a house
Another thing about materials
Some seem obvious Gold is better than silver better than copper But what is cold iron for Or alchemical silver Those I had to look up on some Pathfinder info websites So if you got questions just ask in game or do outside research on them I made an alchemical silver shuriken just in case werewolves start raiding

Ingame help supplyorder
Help file in game is pretty clear and accurate What it does not indicate you can raise your craft skills with supplyorder including the hidden epic crafts
Wait how much material does it take Try it and find out Get a supplyorder Type score to see what material you need Put one of that material in the kit Type autocraft It will tell you if it needs more
Also hate the supplyorder assignment you got supplyorder quit then supplyorder new

Why do I want to disenchant things You get a magical essence from a successful disenchant This essence can be added in the CREATE process to produce a magic item Example a regular steel sword vs magic steel sword An essence will give it the magic flag Even a full on warrior can make a magic sword No magic class required More on CREATE later
Starting to disenchant you need an item that is flagged magic weapon arrow bolt armor scroll staff wand potion etc If you loreidentify an item it will say if it has the magic flag The item must be a high enough Min level for there to be any magic essence at all If you are a Wizard and collect tons of magic heavy armor most that are probably useless to you try disenchanting it If you are a Warrior tank and find yourself with tons of magic cloth shirts try disenchanting
put magicitem kit
the kit will let you know if the item is too weak in magic
OR it will automatically start disenchanting no going back now the magicitem is gone in the process
At the completion of disenchanting you will either have a magic essence in your inventory OR you will not The magicitem in the kit is consumed either way
How does one get a magic essence Your CHEMISTRY skill is key A magic essence will only appear if your CHEMISTRY is x3 or more the level of the item you are disenchanting Example CHEMISTRY 31 should be able to disenchant a Min level 10 magic sword
Oh great you say I got Chemistry 5 I can only disenchant level 2 things But remember the item must be high enough level to EVEN start the disenchant process Not sure what that level is sorry didnt keep track of my whens and wheres
So you must raise CHEMISTRY
How to raise chemistry
1 keep disenchanting and failing failing failing You may get a notice that your chemistry rises a point
2 SUPPLYORDER get in Sanctus teleport sanctus 2d 1s will sometimes gain skill levels in random craft skills including CHEMISTRY Do supplyorder repeat

In game help augment
Augmenting is combining two magical essences to create a more powerful single essence
From in game experience Ive found you can
a level 1 magical essence a level 1 magical essence a level 2 magical essence
So you sacrifice the
of your essences to acquire
Success rate depends and I believe that CHEMISTRY skill is the key The higher the better
Why would I want a more powerful essence For the next step CREATE

So you got your crafting kit You got some leather strips You bought a mold for a boot You even have a level 1 magical essence You got a crafting crystal of 1 DEX You want to make some magic 1DEX leather boots enhancement 1
1 put mold kit
2 put leather kit
3 put essence kit
4 put crystal kit
5 checkcraft
CHECKCRAFT command is used at any step along the way to check if your ingredients will be successful It even will tell you if your relevant craft skill is too low It will NOT eat up the items in the kit
If your leatherworking skill is high enough youll probably just get a message that you need to put in more leather Put one more in and CHECKCRAFT again Repeat if necessary
If your leatherworking skill is too low then there are a couple things you can try
1 take out the crystal or the essence or both Crafting crystals and magic essence add to the crafting skill level needed to create and item
2 make plain leather boots
If CHECKCRAFT is successful you will see a full item identity just like with loreidentify of what the final product will be
Next step is to CREATE item
Heres where the fun part comes in
You type CREATE name of item It must include the name of the material you put in the kit But thats pretty much it
I have created a wreath of silk flowers You guessed it From a hat mold with rolls of silk material
So your leather boots Can be thigh high leather boots with a chunky heel Or short muddy leather boots Or pointed toed green leather clogs Or a pair of simple leather sandals They dont need to even be boots from a boot mold just the name of the materials FOSSIL EGGS make stone material items
The mold only indicates the equipment body location
Weapons and armors are a bit different Havent fully experimented with those yet but try and mess around with combinations of materials and molds CHECKCRAFT will let you know if it is not possible For example I wanted to make an iron shortspear but shortspear mold only takes wood So I took out my iron bars put in some wood planks and made a pine wood shortspear Heres where some of you weapon specific players might really start drooling If you specialize in a weapon cant seem to find a good one of that type from treasures or mobs Then CREATE your own or have a crafter do it You could even personalize it and call it Joes Giant Mithril Battleaxe of Extermination
Some extras about CREATE
help colors you can add ANSI color codes to your created items example create a ybronzen necklace
craft crystals some crystals with stat bonuses are sold at Jufus in Sanctus in the crafting halls 2down from teleport sanctus

Final words
You gain small amounts of EXPERIENCE from crafting Dont wait until you are level 30 when your experience has peaked Ive collected well over several hundred thousand exp from just harvestingsupplyordercreate Makes those mid level grinds much shorter
Thats pretty much it Will try to keep this updated with any new discoveries will post any updateedit info at top of post