The August 2024 update comes chock full of bug fixes, quality of life improvements and a handful of small additions, like more metamagic feats, a new weapon type, some new spells, and more. We encourage you to peruse the changelog below to see all that was done.
[Sep 01 2024] - Gicker
You can now add a custom extra description to an item with the redesc command. It works the same as restring.
You can now restring items with extra descriptions.
You can now get knuckle weapons from the bazaar
[Aug 31 2024] - Gicker
Added mass identify spell
Abilities command now shows spells that can be activated from an equipped object.
Added ability to create items that can be used to cast certain spells a certain number of times.
[Aug 30 2024] - Gicker
Added ability to sortto all and sortfrom all
[Aug 29 2024] - Gicker
Added footman's lance as a new weapon type.
Those with mounted combat feat will no longer be thrown from their mounts when moving from room to room, regardless of ride skill.
[Aug 28 2024] - Gicker
infravision now works the same as ultravision
Added silent spell, still spell, automatic silent spell and automatic still spell feats
Increased the duration of the starter torches as well as the torches/lanterns sold in palanthas and sanction.
[Aug 24 2024] - Gicker
Fixed a bug with dragon link ability
Added epic class feats for classes that had none assigned
[Aug 23 2024] - Gicker
Fixed a bug that allowed dragonriders to summon unlimited dragon mounts
Added the No-Sacrifice object flag for builders. Will prevent flagged item from being destroyed by sacrifice command.
Added the contain-aoes toggle. See HELP CONTAIN AOES
[Aug 22 2024] - Gicker
Added automatic quicken spell feat
Added empower spell feat
Added epic class feat progression for all base classes.
[Aug 20 2024] - Gicker
fixed the dual wielding offhand penalty to coincide with PF1e SRD instead of DnD3e SRD
Added breakdown for attack roll. Use the attacks command. Damage mod breakdown has been moved to the damage command.
[Aug 19 2024] - Gicker
Increased duration on charm-type spells when cast on NPCs
[Aug 18 2024] - Gicker
fixed a bug where dragon riders couldn't call their dragons
Added an item flag to remove keys after they are used once
Improved the buildwalk command. See HELP BUILDWALK
[Aug 14 2024] - Gicker
Adjusted the Palanthas quest line. The quest line no longer requires killing mage NPCs, instead you'll be sent to gather some spell components in the Lost Caverns of Palanthas.
[Aug 08 2024] - Gicker
Choosing your homeland in the main game menu (option 4) will now award you a spoken language based on your homeland.
Added more regional languages
Fixed cleave and great cleave as per help file.
Added Mob AI for psionicist class
Fixed kapak draconian poison, which can now be successfully applied to a weapon with the applypoison command
Encounters will no longer count charmies when determining the party level and thus encounter mob(s) level
Eidolon custom descriptions should now load properly.
[Aug 07 2024] - Gicker
Added functionality allowing summoner eidolons to cast the spells provided in the evolutions: basic magic, minor magic, major magic and web. Simply order eidolon cast 'spellname' <target> to use
[Aug 06 2024] - Gicker
Melee damage done by eidolon will grant exp to the summoner as if it were the summoner hitting the enemy
Enlarge person now properly applies +2 str and -2 dex
Eidolon attack damage now displays correctly in attacks command and scales with eidolon size
[Aug 02 2024] - Gicker
Added flame arrow spell
Made fireball an AoE spell with damage reflective of source material.
Fixed a bug that was causing a crash sometimes when typing score, related to encumberance bonus changes.
Modified the following spells to make them behave more similarly to the source material: scorching ray, lesser missile storm, missile storm
[Jul 30 2024] - Gicker
Updated functionality of creeping doom spell to more closely mimic the PF1e rules
Psionic power slip the bonds should now negate other spells that cause entanglement, as some were not applying
Body of Iron psionic power will now properly negate critical hits
Fixed issue with encumbrance bonuses stacking infinitely
Stone skin and other damage absorbing spells will now absorb spell damage.
Fixed an issue where psionic DC bonus augments would stack with successive psionic ability manifestations
Fixed duration on human potential spell
Fixed the missing DC bonus on the psionic ability: psychosis
Fixed a number of charm spells to prevent the chance of the charmee entering battle against the charmer on a successful casting
Fixed a bug with the spells command not working right in certain situations.
Some healing spells cast on undead will now harm them. Conversely, some cause X wounds spells cast on undead will heal them.
Fixed weapon specialization feat prerequisites
Hints have been updated to coincide with Chronicles of Krynn specifics.
Fixed a bug allowing eidolons to see in dark in order to allow them to follow orders given by their masters.
[Jul 29 2024] - Gicker
Fixed shop sell rates to prevent money gain loopholes
grapple should now show in maneuvers list for both pcs and npcs
Shadow body psionic power should now properly bestow immune to critical hits.
Fixed an error where max augment psp was being displayed incorrectly in score.
Fixed master of the mind feat to work with most psionic powers now.
Wildshaping into a fire elemental now provides light in the room you occupy.
[Jul 16 2024] - Gicker
Fix to psionic focus
[Jul 10 2024] - Gicker
Dragonrider class can now be unlocked correctly.
[Jul 09 2024] - Gicker
Killing mobs no longer changes a character's alignment.
Fixed a bug with autogroup which caused crashes on follower dismissal.